Year 11 Progress Evening - Wednesday 2nd April

End of Term - Friday 4th April, Students dismissed at 12:20pm


Celebrating World Book Day at The Portsmouth Academy

March 7, 2024 07:29pm

For World Book Day 2024, students and staff engaged in a variety of activities as part of this Trust-wide We Are One event, an opportunity to bring 26 schools together for a common activity. 

Across all departments, teachers started their lesson by sharing their favourite book with students. Using a Q matrix, the students came up with 3 questions to ask the teacher about their favourite book. Miss Cheek's favourite book was Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and she did a short reading of the book out load to students. After her lesson one of the students asked to borrow a copy.

Mr Forsters' favourite books are The way of the Kings by Brandon Sanderson and the One Piece manga series by Eiichiro Oda. Another favourite book of one of the English teachers who didn't want her photo shared was Frankenstein. 

Mr Lock also led an assembly about the importance of World Book Day, why love for reading matters, and invited Mr Forster to give a reading from a book. 

Elsewhere within the school, Art Club created masks of their favourite book characters for World Book Day: