Early Closure: Wednesday 5th February

The school will close at 12:20pm for staff training. 

Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February

Click here to book now.


Our Staff

Staff 2024-2025

At The Portsmouth Academy we encourage parents to support us in their child’s education by contacting us with any queries or issues.  For urgent issues please contact the school via phone on 0333 360 2200.  For general enquiries, email is probably best.  Please use info@theportsmouthacademy.org.uk if you do not know which member of staff to contact.  Please be aware that most staff will be busy teaching during the school day, and may not be able to read or respond to your email immediately.


Senior Leadership Team 
Executive Principal and Regional Director South (Contactable via PA)Mr Botting
Regional Director South East (Contactable via PA)Mrs M Smith
Vice Principal: Quality of EducationMr Burns
Vice Principal: Outcomes and OperationsMr Andrews
Vice Principal: InclusionMrs Dedman
Assistant Principal: Behaviour & Attitudes (Alternative Provisions)Mrs Begum
Assistant Principal: Assessment and Academic InterventionMr de Caen
Assistant Principal: Behaviour & AttitudesMrs Molloy
Assistant Principal: Teaching & LearningMrs Leggat
PA to SLTMrs S Wood
Safeguarding Leads 
Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs Rowe
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Byrne
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr O'Mara 
SENCoMiss Coles


Year Groups

Year 7

Head of Year 7Miss Piper
7ANSMiss T Anderson
7AYRMrs Ayers
7ELLMiss Ellenor
7FREMiss French
7HAEMr Hargreaves
7HASMr Pearcey
7JACMs S Harding and Mr Kirkby
7MAEMrs Matenga
7PREMiss Preston
Year 8 
Head of Year 8Miss Hart
8CORMr Corsby
8FOXMiss Fox
8HEZMrs Hernandez-Sanchez
8MESMr Cano
8PAIMiss Paice
8RAHMiss Rahman
8RCDMrs Richardson
8TRAMrs Traut
8VOWMiss Vowles
8WODMs Bramley-Hough

Year 9

Head of Year 9Miss Currie
9BALMrs Ball
9BODMiss Bodkin
9CHHMiss Cheek
9KNIMrs Knight
9MCPMiss McPhee
9MECMiss Harding
9OMOMrs Owomuni
9PANMiss Payne
9WILMs Williams
9YOUMr Young

Year 10 

Head of Year 10Mr Smith
10BEL Miss Bellazrak
10FRN Miss Francis
10JAMMr James
10MASMiss Masters
10OWEMiss Owen
10SCAMrs Scarcliffe
10SCOMr L Scott
10SCTMiss M Scott

Year 11

Head of Year 11Mrs Cisse
11BCKMs Backhouse
11CROMr Cross
11DAK Mrs Davies
11HAD Ms C. Harding
11KENMiss Kendall
11MLL (Formerly SEY)Mrs Millington
11NEWMrs Newsham
11SMJ Mrs J. Smith
11TUTMr Tutt