Key Dates:

Thursday 5th September - New Year 7s and Year 11 return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am. 

Friday 6th September - All year groups return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are to enter the school site via the St Mary's Road gate. 

Year 10 and 11 students are to enter via the Manor Road gate.

Letters Home

Letters Home 2023-2024

Below you can see letters sent to parents of The Portsmouth Academy. The most recent updates can be found at the top of this page. 

18/07/24 New Guidance for School Attendance Letter

17/07/24 School Uniform July 2024

15/07/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 15th June

15/07/2024 Truancy Update Letter

24/06/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 24th June

16/06/2024 Internal Truancy Letter 

13/06/2024 Coffee Morning Letter to Parents

10/06/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 10th June

24/05/2024 Parental Communications Letter

20/05/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 20th May

13/05/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 13th May

07/05/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 7th May

29/04/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 29th April

22/04/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 22nd April

22/04/2024 Year 8 HPV Vaccination Letter

17/04/2024 Start of Term Newsletter: 17th April

28/03/2024 Relationship and Sex Education Policy Consultation Letter and Draft Policy

28/03/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 28th March

18/03/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 18th March

11/03/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 11th March

06/03/2024 Leadership Update Letter

04/03/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 4th March

26/02/2024 Weekly Newsletter: 26th February

20/02/24 Year 9 Options Evening Letter

19/02/24 Parent Forum February 2024 Letter

7/02/24 Leadership Update Letter 

6/02/24 Incident Update Letter

5/02/24 Message from Stuart Gardner CEO Regarding After School Incident

5/02/24 Year 9 Teen Booster Vaccination Letter

1/02/24 Partial Closure - 2nd February 2024

31/01/2024 Partial Closure - 1st February 2024

30/01/2024 Partial Closure - 31st January 2024

29/01/2024 Partial Closure Letter January 2024

22/1/2024 Standards Letter 

18/01/2024 Online Safety Hub Letter

5/01/2024 Principal's Letter to Parents and Carers January 2024

15/11/2023 Year 11 Information Evening Letter

13/11/2023 Ofsted Letter to Parents November 2023

13/11/2023 Knife Crime Awareness Letter from the Local Authority

20/10/2023 Half Term Letter to Parents

4/10/2023 - Black History Month Art Competition Letter

29/09/2023 - Ms Sheppard Letter to All Parents & Carers - An Update

25/09/23 - Attendance Start of Year Letter

24/09/23 - Ms Sheppard Letter to All Parents & Carers

06/09/23 - Y7 GL Assessments Letter to Parents