Early Closure: A reminder that The Portsmouth Academy will be closing at 12:20pm on Wednesday 2 October to allow staff time to prepare for Open Evening. Students who receive free school meals should spend their allowance at morning break. Please make arrangements for your child to return home safely on this date. 

On Thursday 3rd October, school will start at the normal time of 8:30am.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Spending Principles

  • Our ambition is to secure outstanding outcomes for our children irrespective of their starting points, or social backgrounds. A letter from Sir Michael Wilshaw (10.09.15) commends the leadership of the school in addressing a legacy of underachievement, inadequate teaching and poor behaviour and helping to close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
  • Our spending decisions are influenced by both the research evidence of what works best, and our knowledge of our children and what we know works best. We believe in providing them with a solid academic education and giving them access to opportunities which will broaden their horizons.


Three key strategies for raising the achievement of dis-advantaged pupils are mentioned below:

  1. Our culture of ‘Aspire and Achieve’. We have high expectations for our children and encourage them to pursue their goals. We teach them the ‘habits of excellence’ needed for success.
  2. The ‘Thinking school’ and the importance of meta-cognition. We teach our children how to learn using a variety of thinking tools which enable them to become life-long learners.
  3. We place a strong emphasis on the regularity of assessment, with an associated very high quality of marking and feedback to each and every child so they know their ‘next steps’ in learning.

See the PP spending plans for more insight into how we have allocated the funding and the expected success we will see as a result.