Key Dates:

Thursday 5th September - New Year 7s and Year 11 return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am. 

Friday 6th September - All year groups return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are to enter the school site via the St Mary's Road gate. 

Year 10 and 11 students are to enter via the Manor Road gate.


According to The Education Endowment Foundation, evidence shows that the impact of homework, on average, is five months’ additional progress, therefore; it is the Academy’s aim to provide effective homework and to develop the habit of regular completion of homework in our students.

Students will receive praise and rewards for completing homework. If homework is not completed students will receive a negative habit point. On the second instance of non-completion, the teacher will contact home and on the third instance a detention will be set.

Homework for each year group is set according to a timetable each week by teachers.  In KS3, homework is set for up to half an hour and for up to an hour in KS4.