Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February

Click here to book now.


Curriculum Intent

At The Portsmouth Academy our curriculum is designed to transform the life chances of all of our students, regardless of disadvantage or personal circumstances. We believe that the best way to transform life chances is to actively shape the minds, attitudes and habits of young people through a framework of cognitive education that enables them to become the master of their own destiny.    

We are determined to prepare our students for the challenges they will face in 21st century society. We do this through teaching them to Aspire to greatness, to Achieve to the limits of their capability, and to show Respect in all that they do. We believe that a personalised approach based on these values will equip students with the tools they require to follow a path which will lead to success in whatever career they eventually choose

We provide ‘thinking toolkits’ to enable our students to approach learning in different ways. They encourage flexibility, creativity and critical thinking. Each student will develop habits of perseverance, open mindedness and teamwork, which will carry them beyond their time at school.  Ofsted have reported on the links between being an outstanding school and a thinking school which you can read about here.

For any student who has additional and/or special educational needs we have an outstanding team to support them. Our experienced SENCo and their team of dedicated Student Engagement Workers will ensure that no child is left behind and all make exceptional progress. Equally we will ensure any student who exhibits exceptional talents will be nurtured to excel.

Home learning is an integral part of learning and the school experience. It is designed to encourage and extend learning beyond the classroom. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning at home and complete all activities in time and to a high standard.

There are 50 x 60 minute long lessons across a 2 week timetable.  See learning day for info about how day is set out.

Learning at The Portsmouth Academy