Key Dates: 

Last Day of Term: Friday 20th December 2024; Students Dismissed at 12:20pm

INSET Day: Monday 6th January 2025; School closed to students

Start of Term: Tuesday 7th January 2025; School starts promptly at 8:30am on all year groups on a Week A timetable. 


City MP visits school to explore the benefits of new tuition in key subjects

March 15, 2024 02:18pm

This week, students at The Portsmouth Academy welcomed their local MP to learn about the positive effects new tuition in key subjects is having on learning.

Stephen Morgan MP visited the school to see how extra tuition for Maths and Science - funded by the Department for Education National Tutoring Programme - is being put to use. We will soon be offering tuition for English. 

The Department for Education (DfE) launched NTP in academic year 2020 to 2021 to support schools and local authorities to provide tuition for their pupils.

The programme is well-established, with the majority of state-funded schools in England now offering tutoring.