Key Dates: 

Last Day of Term: Friday 20th December 2024; Students Dismissed at 12:20pm

INSET Day: Monday 6th January 2025; School closed to students

Start of Term: Tuesday 7th January 2025; School starts promptly at 8:30am on all year groups on a Week A timetable. 


Improvements seen to One:One device engagement as more students come to school with laptop

May 7, 2024 10:23am

The number of students from across Years 7, 8, and 9 claiming they have 'No One:One laptop device' to begin their day of learning at The Portsmouth Academy have significantly dropped within a number of weeks, which is fantastic news. 

At the beginning of this term, 82 students came to school without their laptop which can have an impact on their learning; The Portsmouth Academy use Microsoft tools to provide and engaging and effective learning experience. 

However, as weeks have developed, the One:One staff team have recorded only six students attending school without their laptop. 

Mr. J Batten, Trust Lead for Digital, said: "At The Portsmouth Academy, our staff are committed to offering a blended approach to your child's education - by offering digital tools through our One:One device scheme to grow the skills needed for the wider world, but also embracing traditional classroom methods to have an all-rounded education.

"We are committed to creating lifelong learners, and these digital devices play an important part in our mission to achieve that, so thank you to all staff for consistently recording when students have forgotten their devices. In particular, I would like to recognise the One:One team for the liaison with parents about ensuring students bring their devices into school."