Early Closure: Wednesday 5th February
The school will close at 12:20pm for staff training.
Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February
Click here to book now.
March 11, 2022 10:03am
For the past three years, we have been piloting the use of laptops for learning in the classroom. 67% of our students agree, or strongly agree, that using devices helps them to learn. In particular, they help them to become more efficient and independent in their work.
“I am incredibly proud to be the Head of Year 7 for team 2026. The young people who are joining us this year are the trailblazers of technology and how having their own One:One device can enhance and transform education here at The Portsmouth Academy. The students have approached this technological transformation with vigour and resilience. They have embraced the changes with maturity and understanding and when I visit their lessons and ask them what they are learning, the common theme that underpins lessons is the use of technology. They are excited and enthusiastic about the way their device can support them. More importantly we are equipping them with the skills to compete and perform at global levels.” Hellen Piper Head of year 7
Alex Dower our digital learning ambassador behind the project, also reflects on the importance behind for children to have the digital skills available to them:
"I am incredibly happy and excited to have got the role as ‘Student Ready’ Digital Lead Ambassador at The Portsmouth Academy. I believe that it is vitally important for schools to teach students all the skills they need in the future and being able to work on and with computers is a massive part of all jobs, which has been only made more evident over the last 18months."Alex Dower - Digital Learning Ambassador/Class teacher
Although we have some sets of laptops scattered throughout the school, we were keen for every student to have their own device so they could store and organise all of their notes; record feedback; use all the brilliant software available to remove barriers to learning; and develop future ready digital skills.
We were therefore delighted to launch one:one on Monday 6 September issuing each and every one of our Year 7s with an HP360 – a device which is both a laptop and a tablet in one, which comes with a stylus pen so students can continue to develop their handwriting skills. The device is fully managed by the school, covering damage and loss through our own one:one helpdesk situated in library, where students can also come to get help from our Digital Champion Mrs Barnes.
We have been able to use our pupil premium grant from the government to help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase one of the HP360s. We can see that the devices are already making a huge difference to students. Here are a few comments from Year 7 students who began their secondary school journey last week:
Adam:“The device has helped me to see that learning can be really good.”
Elle: “The device has taught me that there are many more resources available to me to help my learning.”
Bradley: “Using the One:One device has helped me learn how to use technology and to see how useful computers can be for my learning.”
Peyton: “Using the device helps me when I am stuck and confused about something.”