Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February

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Pompey in Community Celebrates International Women's Day!

March 9, 2023 12:29pm


TPA girls were invited to represent our school at the Pompey in Community Center to celebrate International Women's Day. Miss Theodora took eight Year 8 girls to join in the celebrations and three Year 10 girls attended as event organisers.

The day began with a speech presented by Joanna Wakefield-Scurr, lead Professor on Breast Health from Portsmouth University, which educated the girls on the importance of breast awareness. This was followed by a series of interactive workshops that encouraged the girls to explore careers and higher education opportunities for women. The day ended with a Q&A panel interviewing some inspirational women from Portsmouth, including: Clare Martin MBE, Anisha Hill (Semi-professional player for Portsmouth FC) and female representatives from Hampshire Fire and Rescue.

The girls represented our school beautifully with enthusiastic engagement with the activities and asking great questions in the interview panel. A special "well done" goes to Lucy, Liv and Amelia (Year 10) who were honorary event organisers; attending the venue early to set up for the day and supporting the event as the day progressed. They acted with professionalism and efficiency all day and were a credit to our school. Special thanks go to Sammy Quayle and Duke Harrison Hunter who organised the event and whose ongoing work in our school has supported our Year 10 girls to be their best selves and embody the true spirit of Aspire.

- Miss Fraser, Assistant Principal: Pupil Premium