Early Closure: Wednesday 5th February
The school will close at 12:20pm for staff training.
Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February
Click here to book now.
November 20, 2024 02:28pm
Last Thursday, our incredible staff took to the stage for a spectacular ‘Stars in Their Eyes’ performance for Children in Need. The performers dazzled the audience with their creative costumes and musical talents, playing instruments and singing live songs from various genres; reggae, rock, pop and musical theatre.
As per tradition, Mr Burns hosted the event as MC and entertained the audience in between acts with silly jokes such as ‘What do call a cow that plays a musical instrument? A ‘moo-sician’!' For his efforts Mr Burns, got a few good natured 'boos' from the crowd. We couldn't have asked for a more supportive audience, they were brilliant, cheering enthusiastically and applauding for all the performers.
They enjoyed performances from:
All the performers returned to the stage for a curtain call and everyone sang along to the finale. The atmosphere in the hall was joyous as the audience got on their feet to join in on the dancing, singing along with the performers on stage.
A big thank you to Miss Francis, the music department, the student helpers and all the performers for making this brilliant event happen! It was an unforgettable show and both the staff and students had loads of fun while raising over £400 for Children in Need!