Students at The Portsmouth Academy are celebrating after receiving their GCSE results

August 24, 2023 11:46am

Students and staff at The Portsmouth Academy are celebrating today as they receive their GCSE grades.

The academy is pleased to see the students celebrating their results 5 years of hard work. In Art, Biology, Chemistry, Dance, Drama, Hospitality and Catering, Media Studies and Music 100% of students achieved grade 4 or above. In GCSE PE, Dance, Drama and Music all achieving 20%+ graded 7+ and we are particularly proud of our GCSE Statistics results where 31% achieved Grade 7 or better.

There are also some standout individual performances. These include:

  • Thomas Lee who achieved 9 Grade 9’s in Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Geography, Physics and Design Technology; a grade 8 in Statistics and 2 grade 7’s in English Literature and English Language in addition to passing his Level 3 Algebra Exam.
  • Lois Van Den Broek who achieved 6 Grade 9’s in English Literature, English Language, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics and 4 Grade 8’s in Further Maths, History, Spanish and Statistics in addition to a passing her Level 3 Algebra Exam.
  • Jack Wicken who achieved 5 Grade 9’s in Maths, Biology, Physics, Statistics and Drama (Distinction); 3 Grade 8’s in Chemistry, History and Further Maths.
  • Rica Acebedo who achieved 4 Grade 9’s in English Literature, Biology, Geography and Statistics; 5 Grade 8s in English Language, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Further Maths and a Grade 7 in French in addition to passing her Level 3 Algebra Exam.

Miss N. Sheppard, Principal at The Portsmouth Academy, said:

“I am delighted for our students receiving their GCSE results today. They have worked incredibly hard over the last two years and it is fantastic to see their dedication rewarded and doors opening for them. We have seen a variety of results awarded today, but everyone is walking away with a clear idea of what the next exciting chapter of their education will entail. At The Portsmouth Academy, we teach our students to strive to be their best and aspire to do what they want, and we have seen exactly that across our year group. We wish them every success, and I would like to say a huge thank you to our parents, carers, staff and local community for your support and encouragement."