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The Portsmouth Academy recognised nationally for excellence in sports

September 11, 2023 11:33am

The Portsmouth Academy has been recognised nationally for its excellent sports provision, with a prestigious award presented to only six state comprehensive secondary schools in England in the 2022–2023 academic year.

The school has achieved its Quality Mark for Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) by the Association for Physical Education (afPE).

It means the school is providing outstanding physical activities and resources to its students within the school day and as extra-curricular options, with a plan to improve even further.

S. Gomez, Head of PE at The Portsmouth Academy, says this recognition is just the beginning for the sports department. She said: "We’re feeling really ecstatic about this award. A lot of hard work has been put in over the years, so it's not just something we’ve worked towards recently; the team has been striving to provide sporting excellence for years, and we have plans to implement even more improvements.

"This award is an amalgamation of the trips, the fixtures, the whole school sports events, sports contracts, sports leaders—it's everything all put together to lead to this moment. It's really fulfilling to have that finally recognised."

The Quality Mark will now be valid for three years and will recognise the strong delivery of Physical Education and school sport at the school. The Portsmouth Academy has a top-spec outdoor MUGA, a large sports hall, a grass running track, and a long jump sand pit. Their annual sports day is a popular event for both students and staff.

In order to achieve the award, Miss Gomez was required to assess the suitability of the department for achieving the Quality Mark.

The accolade is gained through a self-review and evaluation process that involves the completion of an application form as well as a school visit by one of the afPE’s validation teams of highly qualified school improvement professionals.

Miss Gomez continued: "I’m so grateful to everyone who has contributed to this moment and given the extra time into our school clubs, lunchtime clubs, fixtures cover for lessons, and all for the benefit of our students. Because, like I've said, everything that we've done isn't possible in just one year. It's years of the whole school coming together to deliver an outstanding sports provision."

The Quality Mark will provide a variety of benefits to the school, which include the provision of a framework to undertake a rigorous self-review of the sport at the school, a platform for sharing sporting excellence and success with a network of schools, and an opportunity to outline where the school is now for sport and where it’s going to positively transform the lives of young people.

N. Sheppard, Principal at The Portsmouth Academy, said: "I’m thrilled about the news of our sports department being recognised nationally, once again, with this Quality Mark. At The Portsmouth Academy, we’re on a mission to empower young people to meet the world.

"Whether that’s in the world of sport or something else, I’m encouraged to see that this area of our curriculum has been recognised for its excellence. Well done to all those members of staff and students involved in making this moment happen."

The Portsmouth Academy has its open event for prospective students on Wednesday 4th October 2023, from 6pm to 8pm. Families are encouraged to come along to explore the school, as well as have the chance to speak to staff and students.