Key Dates:

Thursday 5th September - New Year 7s and Year 11 return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am. 

Friday 6th September - All year groups return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are to enter the school site via the St Mary's Road gate. 

Year 10 and 11 students are to enter via the Manor Road gate.

The Speaker with the Orange Tie

October 12, 2022 08:17am

Steve Beckles-Ebusua, 'The Speaker with the Orange Tie'


We're excited to announce that Steve Beckles-Ebusua, 'The Speaker with the Orange Tie' will be visiting TPA in November!  Steve will delivering a motivational talk to Year 10 and 11 students about GCSEs.

On Thursday 10th November, we're inviting Year 10 and 11 parents to the academy for a workshop with Steve on how to support your child with revision in Key Stage 4. 

Please see this letter from Mr Andrews, Assistant Principal, for more information.