Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February

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Year 9 and 10 Creative Careers Workshop with The Portsmouth Guildhall

November 4, 2022 12:10pm


Did you know that it can take 1000 creative jobs just to get one performer on stage? Or that the end credits of a film can contain over 1200 people in various roles? That’s just two of the many interesting facts that Year 9 and 10 students learned during the Creative Careers workshop, delivered by the Portsmouth Guildhall on Wednesday.

In the workshop, students watched short videos to learn about the multitude of jobs in or related to the creative industry such as costume design, finance, marketing, and box office manager. They then discussed the skills they would need to succeed such as communication and organisation before exploring the pathways to a career in creative fields.


The workshop was really interesting and inspiring. There are new opportunities because I didn’t know a lot of the jobs existed. I wasn’t going do a career in Dance as it was my hobby but seeing that there are jobs makes me want to do it.

- Sasha, Year 9


It was really good to meet people from the Guildhall and people who work in the creative field. The jobs are interesting, there are so many different ones and jobs for everyone to apply for.

- George, Year 9


I thought the creative careers workshop was fantastic, it showcased a range of careers and opportunities for students that did not just involve performing. The students engaged well and had open discussions around limitations that they felt they had to their futures, we then problem solved these. The Portsmouth Guildhall offered an exciting and stimulating workshop that benefited and inspired all the students that attended.

- Miss Kimber, Dance Teacher and workshop organiser


Ben, Patrick, and their team, really opened our students’ eyes to the astonishing number of creative career opportunities available to them and inspired them to think about their future creative careers!