Year 11 Progress Evening - Wednesday 2nd April

End of Term - Friday 4th April, Students dismissed at 12:20pm


One:One Device Scheme

The Portsmouth Academy's One:One Device Scheme

At The Portsmouth Academy we are committed to empowering young people and preparing them for their future. Our digital strategy, hybrid learning model and our One:One Device Scheme enable our students to access curricula, accelerate learning and develop future-ready skills. 

As a Microsoft Showcase School since 2023 the school have been recognised for its progressive use of Microsoft’s educational software and tools for learning. Whilst we are proud of this accolade, it is even more pleasing to see students habitually using their device to access, support and extend their own learning. 

The Portsmouth Academy support staff and students with training upon induction into the schools, and through ongoing professional development or our various curricula. 96% of our students said they have confidence when using the device and that 92% of our students believe the devices have improved their learning (student survey, 2023). Our hybrid model of learning encourages staff and students to use the device purposefully and not just as a direct substitute for traditional means of learning. 

What is the One:One Device Scheme?

Our One:One Device Scheme is an investment in the future of education, and the future of our learners. We believe this scheme to be incredibly important for our learners, not only supporting equality and equity of opportunity but also future-proofing our young people for careers that may not even exist yet, it is ensuring that they leave secondary education with the right level of digital skills, and it is preparing and empowering them with the tools, and the knowledge, to meet the modern needs of further education and employers. 

The One:One device comes pre-installed with the Microsoft Office suite, internet security and is updated regularly to keep our learners safe online. This is a device for learning and is of upmost importance that our students are safe online, therefore, students are unable to download applications and software and unable to access various websites/searches due to our filtering and monitoring systems. 

Students are loaned a device upon joining the school and we encourage students to be respectful towards, and responsible for, the device at all times. We expect students to bring their device fully-charged each day and to be prepared and ready to learn. We understand that sometimes accidents happen, and so we keep record of if a device needs to be repaired. We communicate and collaborate with parents to ensure that deliberate or repeated damage does not occur, because as with any loan the loanee is responsible for its condition. 

Mid-way through our learner's journey at The Portsmouth Academy (February/March of Year 9) we conduct our Refresh Scheme which replaces the student's old device for a new device. This ensures the device will last for the remainder of the student’s education at the school and in-part prepares them for success throughout their GCSE studies. 

How do students learn using the device?

At The Portsmouth Academy, as a Microsoft Showcase School, we use Microsoft 365 to facilitate, support and accelerate learning. Students can access all of their lessons and learning through Microsoft Teams and/or Microsoft OneNote, which allows greater flexibility to revisit content as part of their classwork, homework, or revision. The school also subscribe to various educational software, and with the provision of a device, students have very few reasons why not to access, accelerate and extend their learning.  

For a student to have their own device in the classroom it allows them to personalise their learning, seek support almost immediately, work at their own pace and engage in opportunities unavailable without technology. Curricula is constantly being modified, and tasks often redefined, as technology evolves; whether students are creating a podcast to review a hypothesis from a science experiment, or whether they are immersing themselves in a virtual tour of Shakespeare’s The Globe Theatre as part of a topic in English, teaching and learning has, and is, evolving. 

Students are all provided access to, and training on the use of Immersive Reader. This accessibility tool allows students to have text read to them, to change the background colour, text size, text font, or even translate text into a preferred language. Access to their own device, together with use of this tool, personalises content and makes learning accessible for everyone, no matter what language they speak to additional learning need they may have.