Next Steps & Post 16 | |
A comprehensive careers website with job profiles. These profiles outline the skills required, main tasks, pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. The NCS provides guidance on the different stages involved in getting a job. | |
Target Careers | Target Careers provides a wealth of information on various career pathways, advice on choosing the best A Levels, CV writing, and an A-Z of jobs. The information is generally aimed at students who are intending to apply to university or higher-level training programmes after they have completed either A levels or a vocational qualification. |
Helps young people get the skills and experiences they need to enter the world of work. | |
Government website providing financial support to young people which may enable them access to help them participate in education and training. | |
Provides useful videos about a wide range of job roles. This resource will help if you a researching different jobs. | |
Sector Specific Careers Information: | |
Future Morph has been set up to show that studying science, technology, engineering or maths beyond the age of 16 isn’t just a one track road to becoming a scientist or engineer – the skills and knowledge you gain are valuable in almost any career and will make you very employable. | |
Routes into engineering. On-the-job, practical and vocational courses which will lead to a career in engineering. The University guide gives a background to the more academic route into an engineering career. | |
| Interested in a career in the health sector? Find out more about the huge range of careers and opportunities offered by the NHS, one of the largest employers in the UK. |
This website showcases the many career opportunities available in construction and the built environment. | |
Interested in an off-stage career in the theatre? Find out more from Theatre Craft. | |
Careers resources for careers in food, drink and hospitality. | |
Target Careers provides a wealth of information on various career pathways. | |
The latest news, jobs and careers advice in the Sports Industry. | |
Apprenticeships: | |
| The National Apprenticeship Service is a government backed website which shows live apprenticeship vacancies. |
A useful guide for parents/carers on the ins and outs of apprenticeships. |
Writing CVs and Interviews: | |
Looking for a STEM-based career? STEM has compiled together the 10 main skills that employers value. Employability Skills are often based on knowledge, technical skills and attitude skills which employers greatly value in their employees. Nevertheless, these skills apply to many non-STEM careers. | |
The Prospects website provides lots of careers information and examples of CV writing and much more. | |
Have an upcoming assessment centre and aren’t sure how to prepare? Prospects have compiled useful information that includes an overview of what you might expect and tips to help prepare for the day. |