Key Dates: 

Last Day of Term: Friday 20th December 2024; Students Dismissed at 12:20pm

INSET Day: Monday 6th January 2025; School closed to students

Start of Term: Tuesday 7th January 2025; School starts promptly at 8:30am on all year groups on a Week A timetable. 


Year 11

Year 11 Revision Information

The GCSEs are an important step in every student’s journey through secondary education.  At The Portsmouth Academy, we want to support our students to achieve the very best possible results in their GCSEs. Our Curriculum Leaders have complied a recommended list of revision resources for each of their subject areas. Download a copy of the list below.

Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable - November 2024

JCQ Information for Candidates

The JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) publishes a series of documents containing information for candidates about GCSE coursework and exams.

To view the documents, please visit the JCQ's website: Information for Candidate Documents - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications

Key Dates for Year 11

5th November - 15th NovemberMock Exam Fortnight
11th December Year 11 Progress Evening