Key Dates:

Wednesday 26th June: Year 9 Progress Evening 3:40pm - 6:30pm Click here to book now.

Results 2023

2023 Exam Results


  • Progress 8 Score: -1.05
  • Attainment 8 score: 35.59
  • Students that gained 4+ in their English and Maths: 45%
  • Students that gained 5+ in their English and Maths: 22%
  • EBacc average points score: 3.38
  • The percentage of pupils that enter the EBacc: 38.97%
  • Average Grade: 3.09
  • Over 200 Grade 7+ achieved
  • Over 500 Grade 5+ achieved
  • Over 800 Grade 4+ achieved
  • The percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 in 2022:
  • Sixth Form College: 77%
  • FE College: 17%
  • Employment with Training: 4%
  • NEET: 3%