Early Closure: A reminder that The Portsmouth Academy will be closing at 12:20pm on Wednesday 2 October to allow staff time to prepare for Open Evening. Students who receive free school meals should spend their allowance at morning break. Please make arrangements for your child to return home safely on this date. 

On Thursday 3rd October, school will start at the normal time of 8:30am.

Progress Evening

Progress Evenings 2024/25

Progress Evening is an essential, and invaluable, opportunity to help assess and support your child's progress at school. The Portsmouth Academy believes parental involvement is important for pupil's achievement and we strongly encourage carer's participation in these events.


Date Year Group
Wednesday 11th December 202411
Wednesday 22th January 20257
Wednesday 12th February 202510
Wednesday 12th March 20259
Wednesday 23rd April 202511
Wednesday 9th July 20258


All Progress Evenings run from 3:40 – 6:30pm.

Progress Evening Booking System


To book you will need to enter:

  • Your title (Miss/Ms/Mrs/Mr) and surname
  • Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth.
  • The details you enter must match those we have on record for you; the first name and surname must match those that your child is known on the school register (e.g. Katherine Smith/Katie Smith).
  • We may have a different title on record for you (e.g. Ms not Miss) so please try alternatives if you cannot book successfully.

If you have any issues booking appointments please contact Mrs L Hall at louisa.hall@tpa.tsat.uk or 0333 360 2200.

You will get a 5 minute slot with each teacher, with a minimum 1 minute gap between bookings. For years 7, 8 and 9 there may be a limit to the number of teachers you can see to ensure that all parents can make appointments.