Early Closure: Wednesday 5th February
The school will close at 12:20pm for staff training.
Year 10 Progress Evening: Wednesday 12th February
Click here to book now.
We use the MyEd parent app to communicate with parents. This can be downloaded from the Android store and Apple store.
You can find out more at this page https://www.myedschoolapp.com/
Note: this is only available to parents marked as first contact, based on your phone number. It will not work if the details we have on our system are not up-to-date. If you need to update your details please contact the school at office@theportsmouthacademy.org.uk
Note: some of the functionality, such as student timetable will only appear on the 2nd day after your child has formally started at TPA.
You can also access our payment system, PlusPay, via MyEd.
The MyEd App is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found on either the Apple App Store or on Google Play by searching for MyEd.
A demonstration of the setting up of the MyEd parent app is shown here:
Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for your child’s name and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. We would be delighted if you would download the app, and if you do have any concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
The Portsmouth Academy's payment system is called Iris PlusPay. All payments for school dinners and other items must be made through PlusPay.
PlusPay can be accessed two ways; via the MyEd app or by visiting pmx.parentmail.co.uk/#core/login
To access Iris PlusPay:
Please note that school does not have a debit/credit card machine available at the school to accept card payments. We ask that students do not bring debit/credit cards to school for payment purposes.
For instructions on how to use PlusPay, please see the guides below:
Download and Setup the MyEd App (pages 1-3)
Register with +Pay (pages 4-5)
Top up Your Child’s Dinner Money Balance (pages 5-8)
If you have any questions about Iris PlusPay please contact the school office at info@theportsmouthacademy.org.uk