The Portsmouth Academy is now closed for the half term school holidays. 

New term starts on Monday 24th February for all year groups at 8:30am on a Week A timetable

Year 11 Mock Exams Timetable: Click here

Young Carers

Who are Young Carers?

A young carer is a young person under the age of 18 whose life is affected by the care needs of another person, who help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.

What do Young Carers do?

Young carers help with tasks usually done by an adult:

  • Bathing, dressing or washing
  • Listening, when someone is upset
  • Giving medicine
  • Cooking, cleaning, shopping
  • Looking after brothers or sisters

Why are there concerns about Young Carers?

  • Around one in 20 young carers miss school because of their caring responsibilities
  • Significantly lower educational attainment at GCSE level
  • More likely than the national average to be NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) between the ages of 16 – 19
  • Young carers need extra support but are ‘hidden’ and so are less likely to find the support they need
  • A quarter said they were bullied at school because of their caring role
  • Only half had received additional support from a member of school staff.

We find out who our Young Carers are here at The Portsmouth Academy in various ways: Information is passed to us from Primary Schools, Safeguarding team, pupils and parents.

We offer a Friday lunchtime ‘drop-in’ session for all Young Carers and work with individual pupils to provide further help and support as and when required (homework and classwork support, emotional support, etc.).

If you require any more information regarding young carers please email Miss J Martin – (Inclusion and Equity lead)