Key Dates:

Wednesday 17th July - Year 9 & 10 Thorpe Park Trip - All students attending this trip must arrive on site by 8:20am.

Friday 19th July - End of term, school closes at 12:30pm. All students must wear school uniform. 

Thursday 5th September - New Year 7s and Year 11 return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am

Friday 6th September - All year groups return to school; the school day starts at 8:30am.

Trust and School Pledges

We want to make a change that will stick and to do this our Trust and each of our schools have made a pledge and commitment towards an action to tackle discrimination and promote equality.

We will be checking in throughout the year to monitor the progress and actions taken to support these pledges. 

Take a moment to read through our pledges below. 

Thinking School Academy Trust's Pledge