Key Dates:

Wednesday 26th June: Year 9 Progress Evening 3:40pm - 6:30pm Click here to book now.

Physical Education

Learning in Physical Education

Here at The Portsmouth Academy, Key Stage 3 students do three hours of PE per fortnight. Activities involve individual (e.g. athletics), net (e.g. tennis), invasive (e.g. football) and artistic (e.g. dance).

Department Team

We offer plenty of extra curricular opportunities which are wide and varied – please see this year’s timetable for full details. We are also active members of the Portsmouth School Sport Partnership which encourages inter-school competition. This year we are proud to be hosting all games for school teams involved in the netball tournament.

Curriculum Overview and Intent

KS3 Knowledge Organisers

KS4 Knowledge Organisers - Unit 1 External Exam

KS4 Knowledge Organisers - Controlled Assessments