Physical Education

Learning in Physical Education

Here at The Portsmouth Academy, Key Stage 3 students do three hours of PE per fortnight. Activities involve individual (e.g. athletics), net (e.g. tennis), invasive (e.g. football) and artistic (e.g. dance).

Department Team

  • Miss Gomez – Curriculum Lead
  • Miss Currie
  • Mr Neto
  • Mr Tutt

We offer plenty of extra curricular opportunities which are wide and varied – please see this year’s timetable for full details. We are also active members of the Portsmouth School Sport Partnership which encourages inter-school competition. This year we are proud to be hosting all games for school teams involved in the netball tournament.

Curriculum Overview and Intent

KS3 Knowledge Organisers

KS4 Knowledge Organisers - Unit 1 External Exam

KS4 Knowledge Organisers - Controlled Assessments