The Portsmouth Academy is now closed for the half term school holidays. 

New term starts on Monday 24th February for all year groups at 8:30am on a Week A timetable

Year 11 Mock Exams Timetable: Click here


Learning in Music

Music is both a focus for study and a means of communal expression. Students at The Portsmouth Academy are given the opportunity to develop musical understanding and skill (in perception, as composers and as performers) in classes, individually and in school ensembles. There are many opportunities for pupils to share their musical expertise with the academy as well as with the wider community, for instance, the Carol Service and Sound Bites, and our annual school production.

Department Team: 

  • Miss Francis – Curriculum Lead
  • Mr Hargreaves
  • Mr Mansfield - HLTA

Participation, performance and personalised progression extend beyond the classroom. Vocal and instrumental tuition are available to students in all years, and a wide range of extra-curricular musical activities (choirs and instrumental groups) take place each week at lunchtime and after school.

Curriculum Overview and Intent

Year 7 Knowledge Banks

Year 8 Knowledge Banks

Year 9 Knowledge Banks

KS4 Knowledge Banks